1o Σεμινάριο επιστημονικού προβληματισμού και ανάλυσης

Θέμα: “Résistances au concept de genre à l’école française : 10 années d’éclairages pour la formation des enseignant·es la plus contemporaine”.

Jeanne Chiron has been a lecturer at the University of Rouen-Normandy since 2017. After obtaining a doctorate in 18th century literature and history of education, she devoted herself to furthering her research on gender assignments in the history of schooling, and became responsible in her university for training in gender equality, which has become compulsory in France in the initial training of teachers in primary and secondary education since 2020.

Θέμα: “Erasmus KA 220 Gender Neutr All”.

Elena Karachontziti is Assistant Professor at the INSPE of the University of Rouen Normandie. She holds a PhD in Education Sciences. Her research interests focus on citizenship education and on the European mobility impact on the global development of participants (students, teachers, adolescents).